Livin' it up in Okinawa

Saturday, October 29, 2005

I should explain some of the photos from my last blog. The first one is on top of Mt Fuji. It must be good luck to stick a coin into the wood of the gateway. The streamers are from souvenir walking sticks that you can buy at the gift shops where the trails start. Along the trail there are about 16 hotels where you can rest up and pay too much for bottled water. Maybe they mark up the price because it was such a pain bringing the water up the mountain. Each station has a unique brand that they will burn into your walking stick for 200 yen. In the second picture you can see me gasping for air holding my walking stick at one of the hotel rest stops.
The next photo is me eating chicken feet in Hong Kong. They would be easier to eat if the chef would cut them up more, but it's eat one whole foot at a time with 11 herbs and spices. The chicken feet taste pretty good, but when I had to spit out the claws was about the time I stopped eating them! The third photo is my friend Troy and I in Beijing, Tieneman Square. The monument is dedicated to the Cultural Revolution. Behind it is Mao Tse Tung's mausoleum where you can walk through and see his body. We got kicked out of the line because Troy had flip-flops on. The last photo is in Hong Kong at the largest seated Buddha in the world. It's around 40m/120ft tall. It's on Lantau island not too far from the Hong Kong airport.



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